Elijah & Elisha: Daring Dudes in Dark Days
The Widow’s Olive Oil
2 Kings 4:1-7
When our need is urgent and we spread it before God, the question is never about the amount of oil but of the empty vessel.
The statement for us to ponder this morning is: It’s not about how much God can give, but about how much we can use.
6 things we learn about provision from 2 Kgs 4:1-7
1. Don’t come to God empty-handed (vs2)
2. Do expect to be a part of the solution (vs3)
3. Don’t expect God to do what he did for another (some miracles are specific and private) (vs4)
4. Do follow the instructions of God’s word precisely (vs4-5)
5. Do expect to receive from God- ask, seek, knock. (Matt 7:8) (vs6)
6. Don’t expect to keep everything your receive- you are also called to impart. (vs 7)
6 questions to ask before seeking provision from God
Part 1 of my request- what can I bring?
Part 2 of my request- what do I need to do?
Part 3 of my request-what is my attitude in this request?
Part 4 of my request-what areas do I need to get right before God?
Part 5 of my request-- am I asking in obedience and faith?
Part 6 of my request – Am I willing to be a blessing?
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