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Mission:Possible | Spirit-Empowered Witnesses

Oct 29, 2023 | Kelvin Kauffeldt

The Name That Makes Mission Possible

Acts 4:1-31

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Obediently proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom in Jesus name will attract opposition. The mission of God does not advance unopposed. But, if we are bold and persevere in His mission through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will witness God save people and transform lives, including our own.

Four key factors which influenced the rapid spread of the Gospel through the early church in the face of opposition:

1. The Apostles did not shy away from speaking the truth, even if it was unpopular (vs. 1-4)

- They proclaimed “in Jesus the resurrection of the dead” (vs. 2), a foundation of our faith (cf. Jn. 11:25-26; 1 Cor. 15: 13-23). Because He lives, we also will live (Jn. 14:19).

- Don’t be surprised; people become “greatly disturbed” when the truth threatens their personal agenda (power and control). They feel ‘exposed’ under the light/truth of Jesus (cf. Jn. 3:19-20).

- Perseverance in obedience to the truth and to proclaiming it, is evidence of genuine faith (Mt. 28:19-20; Heb. 3:14).

Speak the truth even if it is unpopular!

2. The Apostles were never about “building a name” for themselves (vs. 5-12)

Being filled/controlled/empowered by the Holy Spirit enabled Peter to:
- Direct the glory to Jesus (vs. 10)
- Tell them who Jesus is (vs. 11)
- Share with them how they can be saved (vs. 12) – cf. Jn. 14:6; 1Tim. 2:5

Speak about Jesus, because there is power in His name!

3. The Apostles feared God more than man (vs. 15-21)

- We are at war (vs.15-18) cf. Eph. 6:12, 1Pt. 6-11

- In spite of intense opposition (arrested, put on trial, warned, commanded and threatened), obedience to God remained their main concern (vs. 19-20); Christ’s command to be His witnesses trumped their ‘command’ to be silent, Acts. 1:8. (cf. Ex. 1:15-17; Dan. 3:16-18; 6:4-10) cf. Mt. 10:28

Speak about what you have witnessed!

4. The early church knew boldness to be His witnesses can only come from God (vs. 23-31)

- In the face of opposition, calling out to God in prayer was their first instinct (vs. 24). cf. Ps. 121:1-2

- In their prayer, they prioritized: declaring who God is (vs. 24), recalling His word (vs. 25-26), and committing themselves to His mission (vs. 29-30).

Speak to the Lord, He is our help and source of boldness!



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