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Experiencing Life

Apr 16, 2023 | Rev. Dr. K. Rick Baker

Salvation, STAT!

John 12:1-50

Full Service


Salvation is something that must not be delayed.

John outlines Jesus’ final appeal to faith with some salvation essentials...

1. Extravagant service is characteristic of those deeply aware of their rescue and the value of knowing Christ. (12:1-8)

You can make much of Jesus and have plenty of opportunities to do ministry as well.

2. Signs, wonders, and miracle chasers don’t last in the kingdom of the saved. (12:9-19)

3. The truly saved trade their lives of self-love for servant sacrifice to Christ. (12:20-26)

“Law of the Kingdom”
Self-idolatry, the impetus and heart of sin, must give way to the priorities of what Christ is doing and wants you doing.

4. Essential salvation. (12:27-33)

The world has arrived at the watershed moment of history—the last days are inaugurated—it’s all or nothing.

5. The reason so few enter into salvation is not the failure of God, but the unbelief of man. (12:34-43; Deut. 29:2-4; Is. 6:9,10; 53:1; Acts 28:26,27; Rom. 1:24,26,28)

The great mystery of unbelief is the default position of humanity—nobody is neutral.

Time for belief is urgent; opportunity is timed (cf. Jn. 9:4; 10:40; 11:54).

God judges in our time—“now is the time for judgment”... “they would not, because they could not” (37,39). Just as salvation begins now, so does judgment. To refuse salvation is to get “sicker”.

When people of unbelief are presented with the light of truth (revelation) and persistently refuse to believe, there is a “judicial hardening” by God and the light disappears—when God “hides”, darkness settles on an unbelieving heart and that one is unable to repent anymore.

6. If you can believe, believe! (12:44-50)

Sent from the Father.

He abides by the Father’s commands.

He is light shining in the darkness.

He brings salvation/eternal life to those who believe and His word will judge those who reject (what will be the basis of your judgment?).

All of this affirms that a decision about Jesus is a decision for or against God—a decision concerning the Word is a decision concerning God.

A person is neither automatically a son of light, nor does one inherit that status— You MUST believe (36).



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