Elijah & Elisha: Daring Dudes in Dark Days
“He’s Got Our Back”
2 Kings 3:1-26
When we find ourselves in the midst of stressful times, it is comforting and reassuring to know that there is someone who we can always count on to defend us and stand by our side no matter what.
2 Kings 3; There are three aspects of the character of God, our ultimate warrior, on display in this passage that we all need to be victorious.
1. His grace - His underserved favour towards us (vs. 1-3)
- He is the ultimate warrior because he gives us what we don’t deserve
- Joram’s actions from a human perspective should have disqualified him as a candidate for God’s grace.
- Based on who we are, we too did not deserve to receive the undeserved favor of God. Rom. 3:23, Rom. 5:8
- Do I justify the decisions and actions I make by comparing them with those made by others? Or do I evaluate them based on God’s expectations of me?
- What sinful vices am I “clinging” on to and not turning away from? Repentance = A heartfelt sorrow
for sin, a renouncing of it, and a sincere commitment to forsake it and walk in obedience to Christ.
Praise God the ultimate warrior has our back even though we don’t deserve it!
2. His mercy (vs. 4-10)
- He is the ultimate warrior because he often withholds giving us what we do deserve
- When we rely on our own initiative and move ahead with our “plans” choosing to not seek God’s will, we can often find ourselves in a mess (2 Ch. 12:14 vs Ps. 105:3-4)
- Not owning our mistakes and quickly blaming others is a good indicator of a rebellious heart (1 John 1:9).
- What God’s people then and now deserve is death (Rom. 6:23, Eph. 2:4)
-Do we regularly thank God for his mercy? For His willingness to withhold what we deserve?
-We have been created in His image to be like him and represent him on earth, how merciful are we towards others?
-Are there areas in my life where I am neglecting to seek God’s will?
Praise God, the ultimate warrior has our back and often withholds giving us what we deserve!
3. His provision (vs. 11-27)
-He is the ultimate warrior because he provides everything we need (Phil. 4:19)
-Three things he provided for His people in their battle against Moab; a mediator vs. 14, His word vs. 16-19, His power vs. 19-26
Praise God, the ultimate warrior has our back and provides everything we need!
He has our back! Does He have our complete trust?
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