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Everyday Ethics For The Exilic Minority: Revisiting Christian Identity Within A Confused World

May 29, 2022 | Rev. Dr. K. Rick Baker

Handling Marriage

Matthew 5:27-32

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In the Holy Scriptures, a pro-relationships God is revealed, with a decided zeal for marriage. God is a pro-marriage
God and requires His Kingdom citizens to be as well. Jesus’ kingdom will not be a haven for sin-filled “Christians” who are not Christians at all. By your fruit, not by your mouth, you will be known.

“For I hate divorce,” says the LORD, the God of Israel... (Mal. 2:15)

Marriage, at the time of Jesus was in a shambles and threatening to completely destabilize society.
- Greek promiscuity/ Roman moral capitulation/ salacious theatre and arts
- Jew’s extreme liberalization of divorce laws

Jesus requires His people to join Him in a Holy war against sexual infidelity—the major cause of marriage destruction. “What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.” (Matt. 19:6)

The main destroyer of marriage is forbidden by the 7th Commandment, which itself was being completely manipulated by Jewish teaching and practice—Jesus presents two timely and destiny-related clarifications on
“Committing Adultery/Causing Adultery”... Jesus defines as Lust and Divorce.

You have heard it said that “window shopping” is no big deal; just make sure all your purchases are at home.

1. Committing Adultery--“Everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (28)

“Staring” (a craving look) at, not to see as another person, but as an object of personal desire, a goal to possess, to gratify your own flesh (a breaking of the 7th commandment). (What pornography trains your mind to become).

What is the evidence in your life that your heart is pure/being purified? (1 Jn. 3:3)

Since your soul and eternal destiny are at risk, take radical surgical steps to remove immediately whatever is seducing you to sin. “eyes” “flesh” whatever is a stumbling block! Wage war on you.

Replace any attention to such things with spiritual pursuits. “The pure in heart will see God.” (8)

You have heard it said that divorce is permissible for any and every reason and that casual remarriage in these delicate matters is best viewed as “live and let live.”

2. Causing Adultery--“Everyone who divorces his wife, except for the reason of unchastity, makes her commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.” (32)

The “certificate of divorce” (Deut. 24:1-4). Managing hard hearts had become a legal loophole to commit adultery.

Legal documents, notwithstanding, divorce doesn’t change God’s view of marriage.

How permanent is marriage to Jesus? Jesus’ ethics on divorce...

- Divorce does not change God’s view of “until death do us part.”

- Divorce and adultery are connected (a breaking of the 7th commandment)—the one who pursues divorce is sentencing the marriage to adultery, unless adultery has already caused the divorce—in which case, the adulterer is responsible for the legacy of that marriage to be adultery.

- Remarriage is adultery, even if legal, unless death of spouse has occurred.

Paul’s teaching (revelation progresses, 1 Cor. 7)...

- No divorce or remain single or seek reconciliation
- Remarriage; perhaps if abandonment by an unbeliever, or if reconciliation is impossible, or death of spouse?

Marriage is sacred—it illustrates/symbolizes God’s unbreakable bond with His people. Adultery is one of the most
serious offences because it devastates the very heart of the symbol of God’s fidelity with His people (Ps. 51:4).
Disloyalty is not negotiable to Jesus and legal recourse is for the hard-hearted, and not kingdom citizens. According to Jesus, divorce is the moral equivalency to adultery (Carson).

We can’t undo what we have done; we can do better with our hearts from here on, and raise a generation of Christians who make our male/female relationships about pure hearts. Judgment Day will not be a verbal defence;
it will be an unveiling of actual deeds! You are justified by faith; your faith is justified by deeds. (Jas. 2:17)




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