Proclaim the Good News of Christ
Good News of Great Joy for All the People
Often the discipline and effort required to apply knowledge is harder than the discipline and effort required to study and acquire that knowledge. We all agree that sharing our faith is important, but many of us need to be encouraged and shown how to share the good news about Jesus Christ with others. We can find both encouragement and instructions in this well-known Christmas passage.
Three pieces of Good News to proclaim:
1. Proclaim that God is in control (vs. 1-7)
- People ‘living on edge’ desperately need to hear that there is someone in control who can be fully trusted (cf. Ps. 47:7-8; 103:19; 135:6; Isa. 40:21-26)
- Nothing happens on this earth, or in your life, unless God sends it or God allows it (cf. Job 42:2, Prov. 19:21; Rom. 8:28)
- Just because God is in control, doesn’t mean He won’t ask us to do difficult things
Are you living with the peace and assurance that comes from understanding and believing the good news that God is in control and that He is sovereign? Or are you ‘living on edge’? If you are, God says in Ps. 46:10, “be still, and know that I am God.”
2. Proclaim God’s grace (vs. 8-14)
- Grace = God’s undeserved favour towards people, which is not earned, but is freely given
- God’s grace, demonstrated in the gift of Jesus, can bring great joy (cf. Rom. 10:13; Acts 10:34-35; Rev. 7:9-10) and peace (Shalom) (cf. Rom. 5:1; Phil. 4:7) to people from every walk of life
How regularly do you thank God for extending His grace (His underserved favour) towards you personally? We must not neglect to thank Him for this incredible gift that has transformed our lives (cf. Rom. 3:23-24; Eph. 2:8-9).
3. Proclaim your personal encounter with Jesus (vs. 15-20)
- Our testimony must always begin with giving God all the glory for drawing us to Jesus (cf. Jn. 6:44; Jn. 6:65; Rom. 10:17)
- Our personal encounter with Jesus must fuel in us an enthusiastic desire to tell others about Him (cf. Jn. 4:28-30, 39-43)
- Our personal encounter with Jesus must fuel us to be witnesses who daily glorify and praise God
We all have a personal story about encountering Jesus as our personal Lord and Saviour that we must tell others. In the past six months, how many lost people in your circle of influence have heard the good news of your relationship with Jesus? When was the last time you saw someone amazed by what you shared with them about Jesus?
Proclaim the good news of Christ! – “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us!" (2 Cor. 5:20)
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