Elijah & Elisha: Daring Dudes in Dark Days
Good Government; Bad Government: Christian Contribution Must Always Be Good
2 Kings 8:1-16
The use and abuse of power—for moral justice or immoral ambition.
At play - deeply flawed leaders—the man of God—God
- Gov’t of Israel—Gov’t of Aram—God’s providence
Consider two ways to govern and God’s oversight of both...
1. The case of moral justice (8:1-6)
Israel would not turn away from idolatry.
From 3.5-7yrs of famine
Why Philistia?
Hiding from evil or trouble for a time might be the right tactic
Sometimes idolatry becomes so domesticated, it takes a change of setting to wake up
The enduring value of a godly reputation
Elisha’s favour and reputation affected collateral blessings.
God, the champion of the vulnerable
The Shunammite had taken care of God’s business; He is now taking care of hers.
2. The case of immoral ambition (8:7-16)
Fulfilling the instructions of God to Elijah (1 Kgs. 19:15-17)
The stare of shame
When you know they know and they know you know they know!
The allure of power and control—God’s instrument of punishment...
...can turn a man’s heart quickly into a devil. Power and prosperity are powerful elixirs.
The risk of receiving second hand accounts of truth
Elisha was turned into a false prophet, falsely.
God, sovereign over all governance, good or bad
Hazael was God’s idea.
Elisha found a way to live above the fray of the warring governments (factions), opposed often, not loved by all, but always respected and influential as God’s man, faithfully positioned always to live and speak for God.
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