Elijah & Elisha: Daring Dudes in Dark Days
Foundational Convictions
1 Kings 17:1-24
God regularly uses you to be the answer to your own prayer or grants you the assignment your prayer initiates!
God’s Word is an ultimatum, never a conciliatory negotiation, or cultural compromise, and His prophets are tasked with simply delivering it.
3 convictions necessary to be daring in dark and difficult days...
1. You must be convinced of the reality of God (17:1)
“as the LORD, the God of Israel lives...”
Lots of great human feats surround us—what really grabs attention is evidence in your life of Divine reality.
What about your life makes you certain God is alive?
2. You must be convinced you represent the Lord (17:1)
“before Whom I stand appointed...”
“If God is your problem, only God is your solution.” (Tony Evans)
“Moral microbes are eating the heart out of society and the vast majority of those who know better are taking a pass.” (Howard Hendricks)
Are you on purpose on God’s mission? (2 Chron. 15:1f; 16:9)
3. You must be convinced of the resourcefulness of the Lord to provide all you need for all He wants to do through you (17:1-24)
“there shall be neither dew nor rain these years, except by my word.”
“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” (Jas. 5:16)
Nothing special about Elijah; a lot special about the God he talked to!
“Elijah was a man just like us.” (Jas. 5:17-18)
We want to live on what we have; God wants us to live on Who we need.
If you ask to be like Christ, you will probably sit beside your share of drying brooks (Heb. 5:8)
Faith, not in the provisions, but in the Provider
What do you do with the Word of the LORD? “So he did/went...” (5,10)
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