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Everyday Ethics For The Exilic Minority: Revisiting Christian Identity Within A Confused World

Aug 28, 2022 | Rev. Nick Doyle

Exiles and the Right Disciples

Matthew 7:21-23

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Within our text today, we find the most terrifying four words in the Bible: “I never knew you.”

Nothing prevails in the presence of God, but true righteousness, true Holiness and without true holiness-no man or woman shall see the Lord, and if our theology of the doctrine of justification by faith does not include Holiness and a pursuit towards Holiness-there is a great delusion taken place.

“Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven but the one who does the will of my Father who is in Heaven.” (21)

This first piece of false evidence on which some people tend to rest is correct doctrine.

The answer lies not in an oral expression of orthodoxy but in our belief in those words; that bring a person from spiritually dead to spiritually alive in Christ.

There is a danger of being content with intellectual assent to the truth. To know about God but not be committed to God.

A regenerated person wants to do the will of the Father. A saved man wants to do what the Father is asking him to do, and he does not run from the ask but joyfully submits to the beautiful and perfect will of the Father.

The second possibility we see here is that false disciples fail to be believers of the truth and can also be fervent and zealous.

One writer shared, “Nothing is more dangerous than to rely upon a correct belief, and a fervent spirit, and to assume that, as long as you believe the right things and are zealous and keen and active concerning them, you are therefore of necessity a Christian.”

Jesus includes not only knowledge but works as well
- According to the Lord, a man may perform these good works and still be outside the kingdom of Heaven.

A person can give hope and not possess the very hope that can save their life.

An oral confession that Jesus is Lord can mask an unrepented heart.

Make sure you know Jesus and that Jesus knows you.

Trust and obey, for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus than to trust and obey



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