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Joy Happens

Jul 01, 2018 | Rev. Dr. K. Rick Baker

Crack-proofing the Foundation of Your Faith

Philippians 3:1-9

Full Service

In a cultural moment that lacks both theological clarity and courage and therefore struggles with boundaries, we must know and draw clear boundaries to the truth.

1. Rejoice in the Lord! (3:1; Ps. 32:11; Neh. 8:10)
He is Lord
He loves you
 2. Watch out for the “dogs” who insist on domesticating worship (3:2-3)
physical * emotional * spiritual?
By Jesus, for Jesus, in Jesus
3. Put no confidence in heritage or religious credentials (3:4-6)
“Catechism didn’t die on Calvary, and church history didn’t rise again for you. Jesus did.” (Briscoe, 1975)
4. Put no trust in self-made righteousness (3:7-9)
“Knowing Christ” is a change in “perspective, position, and possession”…
  • all things as loss
  • found in him
  • righteousness from God and is by faith
We believe that “the righteousness that comes from God” whereby we are regarded as innocent of our sins and acquitted from God’s judgment…
  • cannot be acquired by human effort,
  • is not acquired by everyone,
  • requires nothing beyond faith in Christ,
  • is all that is required to be in fellowship with others.

Since the best of human effort will fall short for acquittal in God’s final judgment, we reject confidence in anything but righteousness that comes from God. Do you have this righteousness?


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