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Let Us Exalt His Name | Psalms in the Key of Life

Aug 27, 2023 | Rev. Dr. K. Rick Baker

Among People Who Have No Regard for God

Psalms 54:1-7

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This is, indeed, the supreme absurdity of the modern world, that it imagines that it can introduce anarchy into the intellect without introducing anarchy into the commonwealth. It imagines that it can make its thoughts go crooked and its motor-cars will still go straight. – G K Chesterton

A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it. – G K Chesterton

The wicked fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” – David, son of Jesse, Ps. 53:1

What will you need in living among people who have not, and do not, set God before them?

The godless major systems of this world, energized by evil spirits, are stacked against righteousness...

- Both infants and the elderly or the inconvenient are considered to have optional rights to life.
- A formerly aberrant, minority-desired lifestyle, is aggressively being favoured into a very mainstream-desired
- Personal health autonomy and informed health consent are considered dissent.
- Justice has been swallowed, first by money, and of late, politics.
- Created things are the sole focus of current cultural worship.
- Racial provocation is the sport of academia.
- War on the poor is the dirty secret of the global elite.
- Human design deconstruction is the depraved insanity of the age.

The values of God’s people are considered a present threat to the values, vision, and mission of present global leadership alliances, and sadly sometimes, even with some claiming to be God’s people.

David escaped from Achish, king of the Philistines into what he thought were the friendly confines of his own countrymen, the Ziphites. David was an ongoing threat to the status quo of Israel’s then low spiritual state, and unexpected treachery ensued—the lasting result for the church, Psalm 54!

When “kith and kin” alike betray you, and you are uncertain who can be trusted...

1. Face the reality of the problem. (Ps. 54:1)

“Save me!” Don’t be too proud to recognize you are over your head.

Self-sufficiency is the distinctive of the world—the moral and spiritual fools (worthless) of this world who live and act as if there is no God. (53:1,3)

2. Present yourself to the LORD for help. (1,2)

“O God, save me, by Your Your might.”

- Systems that control justice are powerful and connected.
- Sin presents a barrier to God’s willingness to hear.

3. Present your enemies to God. (3) Recognize the signs of godlessness.

Arrogant, ruthless men—they have not set God before them.

“Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law...” (Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 1982)

Are you aware of the godless systems in the Canadian context that do not recognize the supremacy of God and ARE against you—have you been (are you) sacrificing your family to the counsel of the wicked, the way of sinners (Ps. 1:1)—science, health care, education (systems without regard for God) in an unguarded way?

4. Rehearse who God is to you. (4,5) Surely God is my help!*

You cannot begin to match the resources God has at His disposal to help you get out of trouble (1 Sam. 23:27-28; 26:12)

No one gets away with anything under the watchful eye of the Lord and His relentless pursuit of exposing truth and proving Himself faithful/truthful. (cf. Rom. 12:19)

5. Offer thanksgivings to the LORD in confident gratitude for help on the way! (6,7)

Just because God is good regardless.

Consistent with His character as Deliverer, have confidence that God is already at work “up stream.” (Jos. 3:15-16; Dan. 10:12-14)

Psalm 54—How you move from near despair to liberation when life becomes impossible to bear; like being
relentlessly hunted down every day by the power of an entire nation.




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