Our mission is to enable every man to become a fully devoted disciple of Christ. To do that we encourage every man to be a part of our 1-1-1 growth plan.

Every week:

1 - make participating in our corporate worship services each Sunday a priority.
1 - make joining a Discipling Community a priority
1 - make finding a place to serve in the church a priority.

Growing spiritually does not 'just happen' it requires being intentional. If you need help connecting to any of these priorities please contact Pastor Nick,

Annual Retreat

Once a year (usually in the end of January) men are invited to participate in a retreat. Activities include studies on men related issues, recreational activities, good food and a time to connect with men from the chruch. Watch the calendar early in the year for more details.

Special Events

During the year, all men are invited to an event focusing on men's issues. The format can be at a breakfast, dinner, attendance at a conference or some other similar opportunities. Check the church calendar for upcoming monthly events.


Here at Calvary we understand that men enjoy connecting over activities and need opportunities to stay fit so we have different opportunities to play sports together. Throughout September-June we offer Basketball, and Floor Hockey at our main 300 Rossland Facility. On Friday nights we have a group of men that meet regularly to play ice hockey at Delpark Homes Centre (formerly know as the Legends Centre). During the summer we also have 2 softball teams that compete in a league on Monday evenings with other groups from the community. Contact the church office to find out more.



Upcoming Events

Men's Basketball

September 23, 2024

If interested, email Jonathan Hogenbirk at   or feel free to show up ready to play ball!


September 26, 2024

Retirees - a special place for a senior to be renewed in our LORD. At the Retirees Fellowship, our desire is to worship, walk with, and work for our LORD as we participate together in music, fellowship, and study with others 65+.We meet for a...