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Zechariah: The King is Coming

Sep 23, 2018 | Rev. Dr. K. Rick Baker

Measuring Hope

Zechariah 2:1-13

Full Service

When you start to press your hope into the size of your present moment, it’s time for a bigger vision.

Have you been thinking overly small lately, playing it safe, and measuring everything by precautionary common sense? You may be in need of a faith tipping point.

1. Think small and play it safe are usually our ideas, not God’s - Think big and bold! (2:1-5)
  • Think small and play it safe are usually our ideas, not God’s (2:1-5)
  • It is not presumptive to make risky decisions based upon your faith in the promises of God!
2. The power of God has made the way for you to completely break free! (2:6-9)
3. God is very present—live it up! (2:10-13)



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